New Masks Collection Using Balinese and Javanese Fabrics Endek and Batik

A lot has changed since the beginning of 2020 and Face Masks have become part of our daily life.

In March we decided to produce 1000 masks to give away to local motorbike taxi driver and delivery men on our Island. Our customers quickly started to ask us to produce mask for sell as well.

We developed  and revised our pattern and tried to make the best fitted 3 ply cotton masks we could that matches our quality standard and philosophy :

Comfort and Esthetic all handmade with local people and local fabrics

Colorful Endek Mask

Endek the traditional weaved fabric from Bali and stamped Batik are at the core of our new mask collection. Most of our endek comes from Klungung and Buleleng regency from local family of weavers. The Batik is made on the island of Java. We hand pick each fabric to ensure quality and variety of colors and pattern. 

We hope you'll like our mask as we enjoy making them. 

You can find our Mask collection here : 

Black Endek Face Mask from Bali

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